Ms Ntuthu Mbiko-Motshegoa
Ms Mbiko-Motshegoa is a full-time Agripreneur with passion and drive to achieve the “farm to fork” ideology. She introduced and developed the management supply of rough offal in Tembisa township, Gauteng Province. Furthermore, she moved into a value add initiative by being the first Agriprenuer to offer it as “ready to cook” to retail market. She is commonly known as the “offal queen”. As a black female emerging beef farmer that can relate to the challenges of entering and transform this sector. She is currently serving on the various industry structures including AFASA as NEC member, Women’s Desk National Office, Gauteng Provincial Secretary general, Transformation and Value Chain Committee, Beef Ambassador program; NERPO as NEC member. Furthermore, her understanding of the value of solid business networks and collaboration partnerships has made her to invest her time wisely, obtained various certificates in Agri-Tourism, contributed and participated in various private and government initiatives that seeks to enhance participation of women in the Agribusiness thus transforming the sector