Mr Ismael Motala
Mr Motala is currently Ministerial Trustee and the chairperson of the Deciduous Fruit Industry Development Trust. Mr Motala holds a BA Law Degree from the University of Durban Westville. He has extensive knowledge in accounting and agriculture. Since 2003, Mr Motala has been farming in Wolseley specializing in peaches, pears, plums and vegetables. Mr Motala has been very active in the western cape agricultural sector, in the areas of agricultural transformation and enhancing black farmers in the agri-economy through dialogue, discussion with white commercial farmers, commodity groups to address economic transformation of the sector. Mr Motala also a member of the agricultural research council as a Board member, Deciduous Fruit Development Chamber-SA (DFDC-SA), South African Stone Producers Association (SASPA) and a Chairperson of the African Farmers Association of South Africa (AFASA) in the Western Cape Province.