Mr Godfrey Rathogwa
Mr Rathogwa has more than 25 years working in the agricultural sector. He has spent 15 years dealing with resource poor farmers facilitating market access at local and international levels. Some of the farmers are now international exporters. Mr Rathogwa is currently a ministerial trustee in the Oil and Protein Seed Development Trust. He has done a tremendous work during his two (2) term as a ministerial trustee. After the workshop that was held between the NAMC, industry Trusts and Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries held on the 23 March 2016 – a consensus was reached to include an additional ministerial representative. Currently, he is a director of Agrisatart, a company focusing on assisting emerging farmers to access fund and securing markets. He is also a director at Milk SA where his role is the facilitation of new entrants into the dairy industry. At the same time organising small scale farmers in the Vhembe district in Limpopo to produce vegetables and granadillas for secured markets.