Dear Stakeholder,
The National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC), the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) and the University of Pretoria (UP) will convene a stakeholder kick-off engagement for a newly launched project.
The Food systems transformation in Southern Africa for One Health (FoSTA Health) is a three-year UK government-funded transdisciplinary food systems research project. With a One Health focus, the project will investigate the impacts of emergent transformation pathways in southern African food systems. The project is based on the understanding that transformative change is required to address food and nutrition insecurity, as well as other related health concerns in southern Africa.
In South Africa, the project will explore the relationship between beef and pork protein consumption, livestock ownership, agricultural practices and the incidence of disease. It is against that background we are reaching out to you.
The stakeholder kick-off engagement is scheduled for May 29th, 2023 from 9H00 to 12H30 at the UP-Future Africa Campus, and we would like to invite you to be part of this engagement.
Please click here to download the program and click here to download the calendar meeting and add it to your Outlook. Please feel free to forward this invitation to other colleagues who may wish to participate.
There is a virtual link on the program to accommodate those who cannot make it physically.
Should you require any clarity you are most welcome to contact Ms Nomantande Yeki at nyeki@namc.co.za or Mr Bonani Nyhodo at bonani@namc.co.za. For any special dietary preferences kindly communicate with Ms Joyce Jakavula at joyce.jakavula@up.ac.za
We hope to see you there! Thank you.