CEO’s Desk – Winding the year down

Dr Simphiwe Ngqangweni, CEO: NAMC
The third quarter of the 2022/23 financial year saw the National Agricultural Marketing Council playing a significant role in various matters of policy importance.
First among these was the handing over of the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD) Extension Services study report. Recommendations of the study can serve as a good reference point in future policy engagements on Gauteng extension services.
Crossing over our borders, the NAMC took the opportunity to invite its Namibian counterpart, the Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) to the 59th Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA) Conference. The NAMC and NAB co-hosted a workshop themed “A Changing South African Agricultural Landscape-Statutory Measures, A Tool Driving Transformation and Inclusive Value Chains”. The workshop was aimed at driving panel discussions that showcase transformation models used by different industries utilising levy and/or trust funds.
On the subject of levies, on 19 October 2022, the Minister approved the the continuation of the Breeding and Technology Levy on soybeans, for two years, to be administered by SACTA, as indicated below (VAT excluded):
Commodity |
Period |
Amount (VAT Excl) |
Locally produced soybeans |
1/3/2023 to 28/2/2024 |
R66 per metric ton |
1/3/2024 to 28/2/2025 |
R92 per metric ton |
The levy will be payable by persons involved at the first point of sale, namely the buyer of soybeans, or the processor or converter thereof, or the person issuing a silo receipt. The amount of the levy will be deducted from the price paid to the producer: therefore, it is regarded as a producer levy.
As the South African node host of the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Network (FANRPAN), the NAMC supported the regional policy body to host its annual Regional Policy Dialogue. The three day virtual webinar deliberated on the theme “Resilient African Food Systems – Solutions for Climate Change, Livelihoods, Food and Nutrition Security”. The NAMC played a key role in both the planning and daily webinar proceedings.
The NAMC was invited by the Honourable Minister Thoko Didiza to participate in the Symposium on Women in Agriculture and Agro-Processing, under the theme: “Women’s Socio-Economic Rights & Empowerment: Building Back Better for Women’s Improved Resilience”. The symposium was held on the 07 October 2022 at Birchwood Hotel, Boksburg. I participated in the panel that discussed market access for women and presented on the NAMC market access facilitation programmes, lessons learned and achievements.
On Industry Trust matters, the NAMC welcomed the new Ministerial Trustees to the Citrus Industry Trust and Wool Trust. Ms Humbulani Makhuvha for citrus and Dr Linda Makuleni for wool, who were inducted on the functioning of trusts.
A study on Cassava undertaken by our Market and Economics Research Centre (MERC) division, was gaining traction in the hinterlands of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). The KZN Department of Agriculture had rolled out a red-carpet support, as most of the districts, information days on cassava were hosted. We look forward to officially hosting a KZN Cassava Indaba, which is in the pipeline.