CEO’s Desk – There’s a common approach to AAMP

Dr Simphiwe Ngqangweni, CEO: NAMC
Since the launch of the Agriculture and Agro-processing Master Plan (AAMP) in May of 2022, considerable groundwork has been covered. Industries have similarly done preparations to begin the process of implementing the models proposed in the AAMP.
The red meat industry for example, established a representative body – Red Meat Industry Service (RMIS). As the AAMP coordinating agency, the NAMC takes note of such developments which serve to position stakeholders to effectively participate in the implementation of the sector blueprint.
As previously stated, the NAMC looks forward to the difficult but necessary road ahead in coordinating the implementation and monitoring and evaluation of the AAMP. Recently, we held our Strategic Planning Session with members of the board. At this meeting, the board and management agreed to support the AAMP holistically, with the emphasis of intensive engagements with stakeholders on the ground.
During the month of September 2022, the NAMC investigated the application for statutory measures received from the Association of Importers and Exporters (AMIE). The application is currently undergoing the due processes that will culminate in its presentation to the Council and then the Minister for her final consideration.
For the month of October 2022, the Statutory Measures Division will receive the last outstanding completed questionnaires from administrators of statutory measures and then the process can start to finalise the 2022 survey regarding the status of statutory measures. The 2022 survey will be submitted to the Minister early in 2023. At this stage it seems that the 2022 survey will indicate that it will be the first time that all the statutory levy administrators will have, in total, collected more than R1 billion in statutory levies to finance generic functions in the relevant industries. The condition of approval is that at least 20% of levy income will be used for transformation activities.
The research team implementing the cassava value chain project continued to conduct stakeholder engagements with producers in the Umhlathuze local municipality within King Cetshwayo District municipality and uMhlabuyalingana Local Municipality in uMkhanyakude District Municipality, both located in KwaZulu-Natal Province. In Umhlathuze local municipality, the research team embarked on primary data collection with the assistance from officials of the local Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) while in uMhlabuyalingana local municipality, an information day and a field tour among cassava producers were held with agricultural extension officials. In partnership with the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) and FABCO, a primary cooperative, the research team also collected data among cassava producers affiliated with FABCO in Limpopo province.”
The Agribusiness Development Division linked 11 smallholder farmers to the Macridge Market to supply macadamia. The smallholder farmers are affiliated with Mac Swarm primary agricultural Co-operative and comprised of 7 men, 4 women and 1 youth. Mac Swarm creates 56 permanent jobs and over 63 casual jobs. They collectively operate on approximately 720 hectares producing macadamia, banana and avocados. The farmers are located in Makhado, Collins Chabane and Thulamela local municipality under Vhembe district, Limpopo Province. Constrains identified are related to macadamia quality as a result of inadequate mechanization, poor pest management, insufficient fertilisers and pesticides, poor management of macadamia and lack of GlobalGAP accreditation.
The NAMC continues to work with stakeholders through a partnership approach which is quite effective and is well appreciated by our partners. We have continuously made this commitment to engage our important stakeholders and bring the key decision makers to them. One case in point is the Transformation Review Committee oversight visits to transformation programmes.
We continue to mobilise resources to ensure we expand our reach to directly affected groups (DAGs) in pursuance of our policy advisory and market access assistance mandate.