Advisory briefs and Commentaries
Advisory briefs and Commentaries
The Agricultural Research Council, in partnership with the National Agricultural Marketing Council, is conducting a study on cassava production in South Africa. Thus far, we have discovered that most cassava in the country is produced by small-scale farmers in KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga and Limpopo for home consumption.
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Advisory briefs and Commentaries
In December 2022, 24 of 28 food items had price increases that exceeded the South African Reserve Bank’s 6% inflation target, with onions (47.0%), followed by apples (32.7%), sunflower oil (28.1%), maize meal (27.0%) and Ceylon/black tea (24.3%) leading the way.
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Advisory briefs and Commentaries
Since the launch of the Agriculture and Agro-processing Master Plan (AAMP) in May of 2022, considerable groundwork has been covered. Industries have similarly done preparations to begin the process of implementing the models proposed in the AAMP.
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