New application for statutory measures (registration, records and returns) relating to maize products and wheaten products, in terms of the marketing of Agricultural Products Act, Act No 47 Of 1996.

New application for statutory measures (registration, records and returns) relating to maize products and wheaten products, in terms of the marketing of Agricultural Products Act, Act No 47 Of 1996.
On 25 June 2014, Agri-hub applied, on behalf of directly affected groups in the fruit industry, to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, for the establishment of statutory measures (registration and records & returns) on table grapes, deciduous- and citrus fruit, for a four year period (from date of implementation). In terms of the […]
The National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) received an amended request from the Maize and the Wheat Forums, on behalf of directly affected groups in the grain industry, for the introduction and promulgation of statutory measures, namely registration and the keeping of information and submitting monthly returns in respect of maize products, wheaten products and animal […]