The board is comprised of five (5) trustees of which one (1) is the Ministerial Trustee; and four (4) are representatives from the sorghum industry, one each respectively representing Sorghum Traders, Sorghum Processors, Emerging Sorghum Producers and Commercial Sorghum Producers.
Board of trustees
Mr J. Gordon (Chairperson)
Mr L. Claassen
Mr M. Morule
Mr W. Groothof
Mr H. Mohane
Objectives of the Trust
The main objective of the Sorghum Trust is to maximise the income of the Trust and to provide funding for the benefit of the sorghum industry, particularly for sorghum research and development projects and the updating and dissemination of information required by the South African sorghum industry. The Sorghum Forum scrutinises all funding applications that are submitted to the Sorghum Trust. The Trustees take due cognisance of the recommendations made by the Forum.
The objectives of the Sorghum Forum are as follows:
- To act in the interests of the sorghum industry and those of the community and to deal with matters that may affect the common interests of the members,
- To act as a mouthpiece for the sorghum industry,
- To consider and to motivate submissions to the Minister for statutory measures,
- To recommend to the Sorghum Trust that funds are made available for employment in furthering the interests of the sorghum industry,
- To recommend to the Department of Agriculture any amendment to the quality standards/regulations,
- To consider and to motivate research projects to be conducted in the interests of the sorghum industry,
- To continuously keep all of the members informed regarding the progress and results of such projects,
- To identify new information to be collected and to apply for statutory measures in this regard, and
- To keep the members informed about feedback on submissions to the Minister and other institutional developments.
Administrator & Trust contact details
Mr Leon du Plessis
Tel: (012) 807-3958 / 807-4191