AFRICAP South Africa National Dialogue

The NAMC through its node hosting role of FANRPAN in South Africa will be hosting an AFRICAP National Dialogue. The Agricultural and Food-Systems Resilience: Increasing Capacity and Advising Policy Programme – AFRICAP is a programme that has been ongoing for the past four years, funded by the UK government. The dialogue will be based on the policy evidence that has been generated over the years to improve agriculture and food production in sub-Saharan Africa to be more productive, sustainable and resilient to climate change.

The project has been championed by the University of Leeds in collaboration with the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN). Other key stakeholders in the project are the University of Aberdeen (UK), UK Met Office, Chatham House (UK), Royal Institute of International Affairs. In South Africa, the project is coordinated and implemented by the NAMC.


Agenda for AFRICAP South Africa National Dialogue


Presentations made at the  National Dialogue.


The AFRICAP published reports
