Watch educational and awareness creation engagements held with stakeholders in South Africa during the implementation of the project

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Cassava Market Access Farmers Perspective

Farmers share their perspective of Cassava and how they make a living out of it and also selling at a nearby market of KZN Empangeni. We also look at a potential buyer for Cassava based in Pretoria.
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KZN Cassava Information Day

#CASSAVA 10 -11 May 2022, the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) in collaboration with the Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN) Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, organised a cassava market access farm visit and information day at Empangeni district.
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Cassava leaves as a vegetable

This is one of a series of video clips aiming to create awareness on the use cassava. Video clip 01 focuses on using cassava leaves as a vegetable.
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Cassava Inception Workshop

The NAMC in partnership with other project collaborators, that is, FABCO Primary Cooperative Limited, Agricultural Research Council (ARC) and Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) held an inception workshop with a major aim of creating awareness among the various stakeholders in Tzaneen area about the 3-year socioeconomic cassava project. Holding of the inception workshop on September 2 was on purpose given that during the same week, the ARC initiated the commercialization of cassava program with the development of cassava nursery while FABCO launched a number of products designed to empower farmers. Each of the collaborating institution in this socioeconomic cassava project was well represented.
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Cassava Conference

This Video Clip (#03) aims at creating awareness about the cassava value chain in South Africa.